“Why,” said Greg, “should we invite an outsider into our family discussions about our business plans?” It’s a fair question, on the face of it. And yet it misses the point. Greg and his family were preparing to navigate a major transition in their business; and they assumed that...
How to Leave Your Business
The end of the year. For some, the end of 12 years of school, or 3-4 years of Uni, or some other big chunk of calendar time that has dominated their life. As you reflect on endings, you would do well to reflect: What about the end of my involvement...
Your Family Business: A Legacy or a Dead End?
Your Family Business: A Legacy or a Dead End? Right now, and in the coming years, thousands of family businesses in Australia will face a crisis. The founders are at or near the time to hand the baton to a new generation. Many will be looking for a buyer; most,...
Family Business – an Introduction
Family Business – an Introduction Are you in a family business? Some of the business owners we speak to don’t even regard that as a thing. It’s just the way they do business. Others don’t see it as anything special. That’s a shame, because they are missing out on resources...