Would you like a lifestyle you love, built around a business you love?
At Upland, we help business owners build businesses that sustain and enlarge their lives – across the life cycle from startup to exit, and everything in between. We specialise in the human side of business, and we love to work on the hard stuff.
Why business growth? The number one reason is to get a life (back)!
Would you like to pause the treadmill, have time to think about where you’re going? To feel less isolated in your business? To have the confidence to grow your business sustainably? (Hint: it doesn’t take an MBA or innate genius.)Would you like your family business to live on as a legacy and asset for future generations?
You can do this, but you know what? You can’t do it all on your own.
We have helped Family Businesses generate more Profit and Achieved their Business Goals for over X years.
Are you next?
Why upland?
Upland Consulting has tools and programs to help you achieve all of this and more. Our motto is “Head, Heart and Bottom Line”™, and we help businesses from the micro to those who have, or need, boards of directors.
I’m Iain Massey, Upland Consulting is my business, and helping business owners achieve their dreams is my work. I’m known as the Board Bloke™ for my work with boards and advisory boards. I also have programs for small businesses, family businesses, and not-for-profits.
Do you hold the four aces?
If you’re going to benefit from an Upland business growth program, you need to be ready for some changes. We’ll walk the journey with you, but that won’t help if you’re not up for the journey.