Board Decision – A Case Study Good business decisions are not just about what gets decided. If we are wise, we pay attention to how decisions are reached as well. Particularly for boards, where the buck finally stops, the process can matter as much as the outcome. Deborah was a...
The Role of a Family Business Advisor
“Why,” said Greg, “should we invite an outsider into our family discussions about our business plans?” It’s a fair question, on the face of it. And yet it misses the point. Greg and his family were preparing to navigate a major transition in their business; and they assumed that...
Innovation: The Regions’ Secret Sauce
Australia’s regions have always been hotbeds of innovation, driven by a blend of necessity, resourcefulness, and a keen understanding of local needs. From the stump-jump plough to one-of-a-kind tourism experiences, regional businesses consistently break new ground. Today, change is accelerating, and innovation isn’t just an option – it’s...
Family Business Succession – The Succession Minefield
Family businesses are the beating heart of regional Australia. They fuel our localeconomies, create jobs, sustain communities, and lead innovation. Yet many ofthese businesses face a treacherous path when it comes to succession planning.Without a robust plan, the pass may be fumbled, harming not just the business butthe community it...
So-Called Non-Profits
Our world would stop without the not-for-profit groups. Literally, our regional communities and local economies depend on a small army of good people, mostly organised in non-profit associations (NFPs), to deliver a huge range of essential services. Aged care, childcare, disability services, youth services, public safety and emergency response, health,...
Synergy in Business
Have you read Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Perhaps the most quoted (and mis-quoted) book title ever. If only it were read half as often as it’s mentioned! The sixth habit is “synergise”. Covey provides his own paraphrase for synergy: creative cooperation. It’s the crowning achievement...
Isolation in Business
Isolation in Business It can be a very lonely gig, being in business for yourself. I know, I’ve been down that rabbit-hole. You can feel your energy and creativity drain away, until you are left with nothing but struggle. It doesn’t have to be like this; in fact, it should not be...
Pride of Place
Isn’t it fantastic to be a regional business owner? Sometimes we get bogged down in the challenges and we limit our own horizons. But here’s an invitation: lift up your eyes, and join me in celebrating what we have here! Local Connections. Regional businesses benefit from strong relationships with customers, high...
Grant Thornton – Rehabilitating the Third Generation
Grant Thornton Australia just released their 2023 family business survey, called Future-Proofing Your Family Business. It’s a very relevant title, because so many of the benefits of the family business model depend on longevity – the ability to take a “patient capital” view of business investments; the ability to create...
Strategy: Unchain Your Business
Strategy: Unchain Your Business The biggest ball-and-chain we see on businesses is not talent, guts, determination or the state of the economy. It’s strategy (and lack of). Strategy is not just for the big companies. We’ve seen far too many business owners struggle because they lacked a clear strategy. A strategy is...