So-Called Non-Profits

 Our world would stop without the not-for-profit groups. Literally, our regional communities and local economies depend on a small army of good people, mostly organised in non-profit associations (NFPs), to deliver a huge range of essential services.  Aged care, childcare, disability services, youth services, public safety and emergency response, health, education,...

Synergy in Business

Have you read Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People?  Perhaps the most quoted (and mis-quoted) book title ever.  If only it were read half as often as it’s mentioned!  The sixth habit is “synergise”.  Covey provides his own paraphrase for synergy: creative cooperation.  It’s the crowning achievement...

Are your sales skills (or lack of) letting you down?

Here’s what’s been on my mind lately: SALES. We soon learn that there is a small group of “business disciplines” that you need to get your head around.  Not to be an expert (you should outsource the detail on most or all of them), but enough to know if you’re...

Working From Home in Lockdown (with the kids)

So… we find ourselves in lockdown and working from home once again. Are you grappling with your home office setup? Which video call app to use? And have you found yourself with some new little work colleagues? As a virtual corporation at Upland Consulting, we are no strangers at working...

A Lifestyle You Love Built Around a Business You Love

At Upland Consulting, we think that’s what life as a business owner should be.  That’s why it’s so important to get really clear about your purpose for being in business. Sure, you’re in business to make money.  But that’s just a means to an end.  Why are you really in business? It...