“Why,” said Greg, “should we invite an outsider into our family discussions about our business plans?” It’s a fair question, on the face of it. And yet it misses the point. Greg and his family were preparing to navigate a major transition in their business; and they assumed that...
Synergy in Business
Have you read Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? Perhaps the most quoted (and mis-quoted) book title ever. If only it were read half as often as it’s mentioned! The sixth habit is “synergise”. Covey provides his own paraphrase for synergy: creative cooperation. It’s the crowning achievement...
Grant Thornton – Rehabilitating the Third Generation
Grant Thornton Australia just released their 2023 family business survey, called Future-Proofing Your Family Business. It’s a very relevant title, because so many of the benefits of the family business model depend on longevity – the ability to take a “patient capital” view of business investments; the ability to create...